P1 strategy is to build a world-class portfolio of high-quality, mature oil and gas properties following a rigorous approach

About Us

A Disciplined Strategy
Acquired mature, underexploited proven assets with value creation opportunities through technology
Low risk development options provide organic development opportunities that are self funded
Optimizing operating costs provides increased cash flow through margin enhancement
We Create Value By
P1 strategy is to build a world-class portfolio of high-quality, mature oil and gas properties following a rigorous approach
Investing in high-quality, mature proven properties in location we know well.
Conducting business with integrity and with respect for our employees, partners, and communities where we operate
Trusting our emploees’ expertise to apply methods that maximize the effectiveness of every asset

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Our mission

Creatively align people and technology to capture oil & gas assets and build a next generationE&P company that consistently delivers shareholders value
Innovative and adaptable team with deep technical and operational expertise drive execution out performance


Strategically integrate people across disciplines andfunctions to improve well delivery performance for ourstakeholders


Relationships matter. We consider our mineral owners and service providers our partners


We Fuel Civilization